CIS336 Quiz 3 Correct Answers

CIS336 Quiz 3 Correct Answers

A+ tutorial you will find here –

(TCO 7) Which of the following types of columns will automatically right-align the data when it is displayed?
(TCO 7) Which of the following SQL statements will display the profit generated by each book currently stored in the BOOKS table? (You do not need to see the table structure for this question)
(TCO 7) Which of the following will display the new retail price of each book as 20 percent more than it originally cost?
(TCO 7) Which of the following operators would be most appropriate to determine whether or not the retail price of a book is at least $24.00?
(TCO 7) The ______________________ comparison operator is used to indicate that a data value must fall within a range of values to be included in the query results.
(TCO 7) Based upon the contents of the BOOK_ORDER table shown below, which of the following queries will display all orders that were not shipped for at least three days after the order was received?
(TCO 7) ANSI-standard SQL allows the use of a special operator in conjunction with WHERE clause. A special operator used to check whether an attribute matches one from a subquery is_______.
(TCO 7) A ____ occurs when a relationship is improperly or incompletely identified and, therefore, is represented in a way that is not consistent with the real world.
(TCO 7) The ______________________ comparison operator is used to search for values which are not NULL.
TCO 7) You want to write a query that will return the customer number, first and last name from the book_order table (shown below) for all customers who have a P.O. Box and who live in either Trenton or Chicago. Write the query that will accomplish this task.

When you enter your room on the first day of college, the best thing that you can do is to fraternize with your roommates. These are going to be the people that you spend the rest of the year with so it is very smart to make friends with them immediately.


BCOM 275 Final Exam 3

BCOM 275 Final Exam 3

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1) The term channel in communication means
2) In which of the following communication activities do people spend the greatest percent of their day?
3) A receiver’s response to a sender’s message is called
4) With this type of response, you analyze or teach the sender about the cause of his or her concern.
5) This happens when you receive, construct meaning from, and respond to the sender’s message.
6) When the receiver uses this response style, he clarifies or seeks more information.
7) Which of the following are the most common types of doubts people may have about a source?
8) Which of the following is the most reliable source of information?
9) Consider the following exchange: “How do I know God exists? How do you know he doesn’t?” Which fallacy does the second statement illustrate?
10) Stating someone has negative features and his claim is invalid is an example of which fallacy?
11) Consider the following statement: “So what if the Senator accepted a little kickback money—most politicians are corrupt after all.” This is an example of which fallacy?
12) Consider the following statement: “Studies confirm what everyone already knows: Smaller class sizes make better learners.” This is an example of which fallacy?
13) Audience analysis should occur at what point in the creation of a message?
14) Behavior descriptions should meet which of the following criteria?
15) An effective message should be
16) Which informal communication channel involves its own abbreviations to accommodate the limited number of characters available in any given message
17) Sound and light waves are an example of which part of the communication model?
18) In this channel of communication, messages are carried by sound and light waves.
19) A framework for putting all of your information together in a logical sequence is called
20) Which verbal support breaks down complex processes or concepts into their component parts to ensure understanding?
21) What type of language is used when communicating with classmates, coworkers, family, and friends?
22) The connotation of words such as skinny or thin focuses on the
23) If you try to persuade your classmates to donate canned goods for the hungry in your community, your topic is one of
24) Persuasive topics that attempt to show an audience that something is good, bad, right, or wrong are topics of
25) If you use only a few examples to represent the whole of the conclusion, you are committing this logical fallacy.
26) What logical fallacy can occur when a speaker focuses on similarities and ignores significant differences?
27) When you display ethos in your persuasive presentation, you have
28) Developing cross-cultural competence includes which of the following?
29) An attempt to characterize causes of events to either personalities or external situations is called
30) Groups that value higher power distance believe relationships are
31) What is the belief that laws are justified if they prevent a person from harming him- or herself known as?
32) What is the belief that correct moral principles are those accepted by the correct religion known as?
33) The practice of using a case that has already been decided as a guide when deciding new cases is referred to as

Be prompt when you are applying for grants or scholarships. Spending more time looking for grants or scholarships will allow you to borrow less when it comes time to pay for school. You should always fill out your paperwork and get it in on time.


IT/244 Week 5 Toolwire® SmartScenario: Security and Threats

IT/244 Week 5 Toolwire® SmartScenario: Security and Threats

To get more course tutorials visit –

CheckPoint: Toolwire® SmartScenario: Security and Threats
Complete this week’s Toolwire® Smart Scenario found on your student website.
Save a copy of your assessment.
Post your Word document as an attachment. 

Explore all of your options in financial aid to maximize your benefits. If you have applied for a student loan, you may be able to convert part of that loan into a financial-aid work study award. This means you can find a job on campus and work off some of that loan to decrease your overall debt.


ASHFORD MHA 601 Week 6 DQ 2 Applied Administrative Leadership

ASHFORD MHA 601 Week 6 DQ 2 Applied Administrative Leadership

Follow the link to get tutorial –

Applied Administrative Leadership. Read the “Bankruptcy of Allegheny Health Education and Research Foundation” (HERF) on page 368 of the course text. Select one of the board’s practices. Identify and discuss the problems with the practice you have selected. Suggest ways the practice could be modified/changed in order to eliminate the problems you identified. Post your response and respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings.

Find at least three study spots that work for you. One is likely going to be a comfortable corner of your dorm room. However, you also need at least another indoors one in another building, as well as an outside one. If you study in the same spot every day, you will either go crazy or stop studying.
